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Missing the Boat on AI in Education

Missing the Boat on AI in Education

In Days of Yore, Today’s Naysayers Fought Calculators Imagine not being able to use a calculator or a computer in today’s world. If AI in education naysayers have their way, such a future awaits today’s students. This thought was sparked by my grandson, who...
VUCA, from the Cold War to Perpetual Disruption

VUCA, from the Cold War to Perpetual Disruption

Vulnerability Makes Strong Alliances More Necessary than Ever For years, I’ve been using the term VUCA to describe the world’s growing tendency toward disruption. VUCA is an acronym that stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. The...
Scraping the Barnacles Off DEI and ESG

Scraping the Barnacles Off DEI and ESG

Good Coaching Helps Executives Turns Ideals into Reality Many executives are uncomfortable discussing the terms DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) and ESG (environmental, social and governance). On the surface, who could oppose these ideals? Because the acronyms...
Coaching the Exec Set on Inventory Turns

Coaching the Exec Set on Inventory Turns

Supply Chain Pros, C-Suite Need Help Bridging the Boardroom Divide The new Chief Supply Chain Officer started talking inventory turns in the boardroom. She was surprised to see eyes glaze over at a term so obvious. But is that term really obvious to the grey flannel...
Organizations Can Plug Their Brain Drain

Organizations Can Plug Their Brain Drain

Leadership Coaching Could Transform Retirement into Refirement Every time a Bob (or Jill) leaves, brain drain strikes your organization. When highly skilled employees retire, your company’s institutional knowledge pool faces a one vs. zero situation. On Aug. 31,...
Why Cross-Cultural Coaching Is Critical

Why Cross-Cultural Coaching Is Critical

When Expanding Internationally, Don’t Fall on Your Face – or Anything Else Your leadership team just landed in Warsaw, ready for your company’s big European expansion. Did you equip them with any cross-cultural coaching? If not, they have a good shot at falling on...
Do Amenities Solve Back to the Office Blues?

Do Amenities Solve Back to the Office Blues?

Execs Spend Tens of Millions to Avoid Remote, Hybrid Work Have developers discovered the secret sauce to luring workers back to the office? Some think so. The Wall Street Journal explains how offices from Manhattan to New Jersey to California have increased occupancy...
Individualism, Living Space Affect Remote Work

Individualism, Living Space Affect Remote Work

In Some Geographies, the Office Has More Room – And Air Conditioning Why does work from home vary so much across countries? While some point to a culture of individualism in English-speaking countries, I think living space and conditions play a huge role. Average...
The Most Horrible Boss Ever – Maybe

The Most Horrible Boss Ever – Maybe

Never Going to Allow Work from Home? You Need to Offer More “I want to hold (staff) captive all day long.” Sounds like a horrible boss, right? When I read that quote from Chris Ellison, I figured he must be a miserable person to work for. However, as I read more, I...