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Streamline Your Transportation Management

Transportation management

In today’s world of perpetual disruption, you need a Transportation Management System (TMS) that centralizes, streamlines and optimizes your logistics operations, unlocking the full potential of your supply chain. Tompkins Ventures specializes in matching businesses like yours with innovative technology that optimizes transportation cost and mode, giving you the visibility to deliver on time, every time – fulfilling your clients’ needs. Our Partners’ next-generation TMS packages improve your service levels while distilling data into understandable interfaces that support decision-making at the rapid pace demanded by today’s market.


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“In my book Insightful Leadership, I detailed why the New Normal Is Disruption. Wholesale use of spot rates may save money at times, but rate increases hit hard. Reserve spot rates for 1-off lanes, low-volume lanes or tail freight. Otherwise, managed transportation with a world-class TMS is the way to go.”

Jim Tompkins

Founder & Chairman, Tompkins Ventures; Founder, Past Chairman, Past CEO, Tompkins International

Shipping confusion

Contact Tompkins Ventures to Ship More and Spend Less

Your Problem: Poor Visibility, Poor Service Levels

Are you currently facing logistical challenges due to decentralized management at the plant or DC level? Are you struggling to choose the right transportation mode and carrier for delivery to your clients? Do you lack visibility throughout your shipment network, making it difficult to manage costs and service levels effectively? Can you automate intelligent parcel routing decisions within eCommerce shopping carts for optimized order entry, packing and shipping execution processes? The Tompkins Ventures Matchmaking Process will connect your enterprise with the perfect solution.

Your Solution: Enhanced Decision-making, Easy Setup

Tompkins Ventures’ solutions deliver value by enabling effective decision-making during execution. Our selected platforms are built from the ground up by industry experts, not bolted on to ancient, legacy platforms. We offer cloud-native capabilities that scale up and down to match your needs and enhance efficiency and accuracy in the many-to-many relationships that characterize today’s B2B, B2C and DTC supply chains. They can also be implemented, configured and customized by end-users, reducing setup time and ownership costs.

TMS users

Your Benefits: Seamless, User-friendly, Comprehensive

Designed by logistics professionals for logistics professionals, our Partners’ TMS solutions prioritize ease of use, operational efficiency and configurable capabilities.

• Seamless and Cost-Effective Supply Chain: Say goodbye to logistics challenges and embrace a seamless, cost-effective and agile supply chain. Our Partners’ TMS solutions are built to handle real-world challenges, empowering your business to overcome obstacles efficiently.
• User-Friendly Interfaces: Your operators will take joy in interacting with our TMS solutions, which are designed for users, not programmers. We replace clunky, outdated platforms with beautiful interfaces that enhance the user experience.
• Real-World Tested Solutions: Our Partners TMS solutions have been developed and tested in real-world scenarios. We understand the demands of sophisticated logistics professionals and have created software that solves real problems, making your business better.
• Modern Tech Stack: Our Partners have spared no expense in building a completely modern tech stack from the ground up. With exceptional engineering and cloud-native architecture, our 100% web-based solution offers zero downtime, ensuring lightning-fast setup and operations.
• Comprehensive Features: Our Partners’ TMS solutions cover every aspect of freight execution and management, including order planning, rate/carrier selection, shipment execution, track and trace, and match pay and freight bill payment. With our TMS, you have all the tools you need to optimize your logistics operations.
• Intelligent eCommerce: Optimize parcel spend, cube utilization and customer delivery promises with the right fulfillment and shipping decisions.

Don’t let legacy TMS solutions cost you extra money and hamper your service levels. Contact Tompkins Ventures today to ship more efficiently while spending less.