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Customs Compliance – Powered and Streamlined via Artificial Intelligence!

Customs compliance

In a world riven by trade wars, tariffs and shifting political realities, customs compliance has become more complex than ever, taking more staff and resources. Tompkins Ventures can connect you with the right Commercial Partner (CP) with the right Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to seamlessly extract, validate and enrich data from disparate sources, empowering your business to effortlessly create customs-compliant declarations for imports and exports.

Take the complexity out of customs processes, optimize your operations and ensure accurate compliance, all on a secure global cloud-based platform.


Get Started on Customs Compliance

“Customs is a huge headache that can only be addressed via artificial intelligence and digitization of the process. The ever-changing regulations and compliance requirements and the ever-increasing volume of transactions make the processes used just 10 years ago totally obsolete. Customs is a major challenge for many organizations, an area where new thinking and innovation are required.”

Jim Tompkins

Founder & Chairman, Tompkins Ventures; Founder, Past Chairman, Past CEO, Tompkins International

Port problem

Your Problem: All the Risk, All the Pressure

Complying with customs regulations requires repetitive tasks, and onsite customs audits increase stress and disrupt business. Information from disparate sources comes with high levels of inaccuracy. Experienced personnel are in short supply and under tremendous stress to compare documents for mismatches, re-enter correct data via keyboard and resolve errors in original paperwork.
Risks include goods deteriorating while being held up in port, breaking promises to your customers, fines, confiscation and financial and reputational damage. And the risks fall on you, the cargo owner, not your customs broker.

Your Solution: Apps + Guidance = Accuracy

Our CP has a suite of compliance apps and the strategic guidance to deliver trade compliance clarity to 100s of millions of customs declarations every year. Customs at a click can serve your enterprise throughout the U.S., EU, UK and the Asia-Pacific region. Accurate, compliant documents reduce risk, deliver on customer expectations and provide the correct data to your TMS and ERP systems.

Key features:

Automated Data Extraction: Advanced AI algorithms extract data from documents like invoices, bills of lading and packing lists, capturing and digitizing information. Say goodbye to manual data entry and human error.
Data Validation and Enrichment: The platform goes beyond extraction, rigorously validating the data against relevant customs regulations and enriching it with additional details as necessary.
Secure Cloud-Based Platform: Rest easy knowing that your sensitive customs data is securely stored on our CP’s global cloud-based platform. Accessible anytime, anywhere, this platform adheres to the highest security standards, ensuring your data remains confidential and protected.

Contact Tompkins Ventures for Customs Compliance at a Click

AI efficiency
Explore why efficient customs matter with Jim Tompkins. Enhance import efficiency and stay compliant for global success. (Click for transcript)

Your Benefits

Enhanced Efficiency: AI-powered automation streamlines your customs compliance process, significantly reducing the time and effort to create accurate customs declarations. Instead of handling time-consuming, repetitive manual tasks, your team can focus on higher-value, strategic activities, driving productivity and profitability.
Improved Accuracy and Compliance: Minimize the risk of errors, penalties and customs-related delays. Our CP’s intelligent data validation and enrichment effortlessly generates customs declarations that comply with complex customs regulations.
Risk Mitigation: Leverage our CP’s advanced analytics to identify and rectify any past customs declaration discrepancies. By proactively addressing errors, you can mitigate the risk of penalties, fines, legal issues and supply chain disruptions.
Cost Savings: Avoid overpayments and identify underpayments through our CP’s duty reconciliation capabilities. By optimizing duty payments across regions, you can reduce financial risks and maximize savings.

Contact Tompkins Ventures today for an AI-powered platform that can revolutionize your import/export operations, ensuring accuracy, compliance and streamlined processes.