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Case Studies and White Papers

First Mile Solution and Capacity


Our client’s customer service was deteriorating due to having trouble obtaining vessel space for its cargo with the high rates and a lack of carrier capacity.  Although they were currently working with other Freight Forwarders, they were not getting the required capacity needed to support their current sales and upcoming peak season. 

First Mile Solution and Capacity

Uncovering Savings Opportunities and Reducing Costly Changes


The subscription box retailer was growing rapidly. As they grew, they became more and more concerned they were not getting the best pricing from the carrier, and even more importantly, that service could be improved. 

Uncovering Savings Opportunities and Reducing Costly Changes

End-to-End Managed Transportation Solution


The client’s service was deteriorating, but they also believed their domestic transportation costs were much higher than market, without a clear understanding as to why. Although they were… 

End-to-End Managed Transportation Solution

Synergistic Supply Chains

Executive Summary:

While the pandemic has accelerated the evolution of Unified Commerce, it has also surfaced the troubling issues with non-resilient supply chains- material and product shortages, supply chain disruptions and rising cost-of-goods sold (COGS).  This Paper describes the emerging view of “Synergistic Supply Chains (SSC)” which recognizes that supply chains are really the sum of the actions of trading partners to source, produce and deliver customer satisfaction.

Synergistic Supply Chains