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3 Buckets to Help You Reinvent Work

3 Buckets to Help You Reinvent Work

Three years after the pandemic turned assumed certainty into known uncertainty, leaders still struggle with the reinvention of work. How do you go about recruiting, motivating and retaining an increasingly fickle workforce? How do you make your workplace...
The Secret to Recognizing C-suite Limitations

The Secret to Recognizing C-suite Limitations

To paraphrase Clint Eastwood, people have got to know their limitations. Amid all the media stories of disengaged and burned-out employees, few have paid attention to the C-suite. CEOs, executives and managers also face work overload. The world of VUCA impacts us...
Make Your Company Greater – Hire Older Workers

Make Your Company Greater – Hire Older Workers

Ignoring Age Differences Could Help You Solve Labor Shortages Still having trouble finding labor? Still reaching out to – and striking out with – people in their 20s and 30s? Perhaps you should adjust your sights to look at older workers and flexible labor. Yes,...
Why We Need a New Path

Why We Need a New Path

It’s nearing the summer of 2023, and companies worldwide continue trying to return to pre-2020 – the Old Path of leadership. Unfortunately for them, two irreversible conditions prevent that possibility: the future of work and demographic change. First, despite...
The Answer to Meeting Overload? Proper coaching

The Answer to Meeting Overload? Proper coaching

Taking a Sledgehammer to the Process is Too Heavy In George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel 1984, protagonist Winston Smith finds himself scarcely able to get away from constant government surveillance via telescreens, two-way TVs in every home and virtually all...
ChatGPT is a Wave You Need to Ride, Not Deride

ChatGPT is a Wave You Need to Ride, Not Deride

ChatGPT is a disruption that will crest into a tipping point and create paradigm shifts across the globe – exactly the kind of revolutionary advancement or technology I was talking about when I wrote my latest book, Insightful Leadership: Surfing the Waves to...
As Work Changes, Leaders Must Adapt

As Work Changes, Leaders Must Adapt

Do bosses realize the world has changed? Everywhere I look, from The Wall Street Journal to CNBC, managers – I hesitate to call them leaders – are demanding that knowledge workers return to the office. After years of freedom and flexibility, employees are, not...