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Addressing Supply Chain Labor Shortages Through Labor On Demand

Add the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to the chorus warning about how labor shortages are impeding progress in supply chains.

From the Society for Human Resource Management to futuristic models devised by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, everybody expects the task of finding workers to be tougher for the next few years. A recent survey of 1,200 CEOs found that 30% see talent scarcity and cost as major risks to their business.

For us in supply chain, finding the right labor is even tougher. Few in the younger generations want to work full-time in a warehouse. And many do not want to work full time at all.

The “social” part of ESG (environmental, social, governance) is defined by how companies treat their workers. And many younger workers prefer optionality – the ability to set their own schedules. They take second or third jobs, stringing together multiple streams of income – from delivery services to Uber to bartending. People these days can live a quality life without one full-time gig. Others want the flexibility to take the night off. They want to study for tomorrow’s test, care for an ailing relative or handle other personal tasks.

During the pandemic, some discovered that they liked having one parent at home to take care of the children and handle daily household duties. Unfortunately, that required the other parent to get a second part-time or flexible job to maintain household finances.

Either way, the independence vibe in today’s workforce is undeniable.

The Rise of Flexible Work and Its Impact on Supply Chain Labor

This points toward flexible labor options for getting warehouse work done. But you cannot expect to pull anybody in off the street, stick them in a warehouse (which are increasingly high-tech these days) and expect them to function well. It’s much more preferable to deal with agencies that specialize in providing flexible logistics labor.

Such agencies offer opportunities for training, career advancement and work-life balance to professionals who aim to work in supply chain for years. For the employer, they offer profitability, risk management, scalability and sustainability.

Paying attention to the “social” part of ESG could be the key for supply chain leaders to at least partially solve our continuing labor woes.